Have you ever considered what your internal doors would add to your home interior if they had no handles? Sliding pocket doors have been increasing in popularity in the home interior industry, as they have many benefits. It’s also very common to have wardrobes with sliding doors too. As with everything however, internal doors with no handles also have some drawbacks, making handles the only clear choice. If you are considering new internal doors for your home then this is definitely worth a read.

Benefits of handle-less doors

The key benefit of sliding doors is the amount of space they save. Take a look at some of these examples of mirrored sliding doors we’ve created for customers who were short on space – the beauty of a sliding door is that you don’t need space to swing it open as you would do with a hinged door. 

Having doors with no handles immediately suggests a minimalist vibe to your home interior, achieved by removing the visual clutter of door knobs, knockers, and handles. For this reason, it’s a popular choice for very modern or contemporary homes and a key benefit as it opens up the space, yet you can still retain privacy by sliding them over again. In addition, when you have small children running around the house, protruding door handles can be one less thing for them to run and bump into, or to catch your own sleeve on as you rush past in a hurry.  

Hinged internal doors are still popular 

Of course, sliding pocket doors aren’t always practical for your home interior, especially in cases where you don’t want to drill into the wall – they’re a much more useful solution for new homes as they can be incorporated into the initial design. With internal doors with hinges and handles, there are a lot more opportunities to express your home interior design style using the wide choice of door materials and finishes – from choosing the type of wood you’d prefer, whether you’d like to include glass panels – and if so, what type of glass? Would you like to router the door panels to add an interesting dimension without adding glass? There are so many options when it comes to internal doors that you really can match them perfectly to your preferred style. 

Choice of handles for your internal doors

Let’s not forget the finishing touches either – the choice of door handles in our range is very impressive, and with styles to suit every home interior you won’t be disappointed. Our wide selection of backplate handles are a firm favourite with our customers who have more traditionally styled homes, and our round rose lever handles are really a very sleek and sophisticated addition to complement any contemporary door style. 

Still deciding? Why not call in and see us and talk to our experts who can advise you on every aspect of choosing doors for your home. We’re happy to answer any questions you might have about handles, doors, frames and anything else door-related.